Graduation Exhibition 

Fall 2024 Submission Deadline: December 12th, by 12:00 PM

Graduation Exhibit Overview

The Graduation Exhibit publicly showcases your most advanced work at the BAC. There are three components to the exhibit: 1) an online exhibit designed to share widely with friends and family; 2) prominent, digital boards facing Newbury and Hereford Streets; 3) a physical exhibit of Commends winners only on display in the McCormick Gallery from May to September.

You can see past BAC Graduation Exhibits here and here.

Unlike Final Documents, which vary by program, your submission in the Graduation Exhibit is primarily a visual form of persuasion. Any accompanying text should serve in a supporting role to your visual representation rather than the other way around. We recommend that you aim for a ratio of roughly 90 percent images to 10 percent text.

1) What do I submit?

To accommodate the work of all BAC graduates, it is imperative that you read and carefully follow these guidelines. If you don't follow these instructions, your work may not be included in the exhibit.

2) How do I submit my materials?  

TBA: October 2024
The Office of Academic Affairs is working on creating a new submission page that will accept your Grad Exhibit submission only if the formatting requirements are met. If the submission is missing any of the items required or is formatted incorrectly, the tool we are creating will point out what is missing and/or how to format the items correctly. We will update this section for your convenience by October 2024.

3) When and where will my materials be published?

The 2024 Graduation Exhibit will open at the McCormick Gallery on Thursday, May 22, 2025. December 2024 and May 2025 graduates will be featured together. 

Questions or concerns about your submission? Contact Diana Valencia Becerra at