Submission Requirements



All final documents must be submitted as a single Portable Document Format (PDF/A) that is 100 MB or smaller. Most software programs that generate PDF files have options available to compress the file without adversely affecting quality.

Submission Location and Signatures

Signed and completed final documents should be uploaded to the student's Thesis or Degree Project Moodle course.

Note, students are responsible for coordinating with their faculty, director, and/or dean to make sure that their book is signed. For a list of who should sign your book, click here. Click here for a guide to creating a digital signature in Adobe.

Naming Convention

Please use the following naming convention when you save your PDF/A:

YearMonth_Program_Masters/Bachelors_Final Document_LastName


2024Dec_IA_M_Final Document_Smith

2024Dec_LA_B_Final Document_Smith

2024Dec_DS_M_Final Document_Smith

2024Dec_Arch_BS_Final Document_Smith

Library Submission Form

The Library Submission Form should be submitted when a student submits the final document. This simple form asks students to print their name as the student wishes the book to be cataloged; this is the way the BAC library will archive the book.