Final Documents Content and Technical Requirements


Review of final documents from the past few years will help students understand the content, format, and technical specifications more clearly. The final document must be recorded as a PDF/A file in accordance with the following technical specifications:

Title Page

Each final document must include a full title page with the following:

• Name of the school (The Boston Architectural College)

• Project title

• Name of student

• Date of graduating class (in this case: December 20, 2024)

• Degree to be awarded at the BAC (e.g. Bachelor of Landscape Architecture, Master of Design Studies, Bachelor of Science in Architecture)

• Name(s) of the Thesis/Degree Project Studio instructor(s)

• Names of design critics, experts and guests consulted, etc. 

• Digital signatures of the student, the instructor, the director, the dean, and any advisors (if applicable). Click here for an exact list of who needs to sign your book.

Table of Contents

Include titles and page numbers for major sections and subsections of the document.

Biographical Note

Include short vitae or autobiographical summary which includes previous degrees, awards, publications, teaching and professional experience, and other relevant data.


Summarize the process and outcomes of the project. Address the relationship between the academic and design work as well as the resolution of the final design with the project statement. If your course includes reviews, provide a summary of, and reaction to, final review commentary from critics.


All final documents must be submitted as a PDF/A . This video shows you on how to save your document in Adobe software (InDesign and Illustrator) as a PDF/A.

Page Numbers

Number pages consecutively, starting with the title page. Include numbers on any blank pages. Place page numbers either at the top or bottom of the sheet.

Orientation of Pages

Orient pages in the same direction. Use either a horizontal or vertical format for all charts, drawings, maps, etc.

Submit one document, proofread, and typed with no errors. All text should be typewritten in either 10 or 12 point. Charts, footnotes, bibliographical notes, long quotations, tables, and figures may be reduced if still legible.

Citations and References

Use appropriate citations for quoted and paraphrased material. For proper format and usage, see Kate L. Turabian's A Manual for Writers of Term Papers, Theses, and Dissertations in the reference section of the BAC Library.

*Note – If you wish to print your final document for your own personal use, make sure your document has margins so that it can be bound. Margins are not required for the digital submission. We recommend a 1.5” left margin for anyone who plans to print their book.

Margins (Optional)

Margins will be important if students choose to print their final document out for personal use. If you think you will, use a 1 1⁄4” margin on the bound (left) side and 3⁄4" margins on the remaining three sides for text and graphic work. Place no information in the margins. Margins will be important if you choose to print your final document out for personal use. The library will not accept print copies of final documents.